Celebrating Black History Month

Black History Month

Team TransCor,

Each year, during the month of February we take time to celebrate the significant achievements and contributions African-Americans have made to America. It is also a time to reflect upon Dr. King’s dream for a more just society that celebrates the values of equality and inclusion for people of every race and ability.

Dr. King’s dream of a nation united in peace and justice included a place at the table for children of every race and ability. Black History Month is not only a time to honor and remember, but to celebrate the values of equality and tolerance he so compellingly expressed in his great dream for America. Over the course of human history, we’ve seen pieces of that dream come into fruition — witnessed the power of collective human will for good. But we’ve also witnessed the destruction of individuals, families and entire communities as a result of intolerance and exclusivity. 

As much as this month is about looking back at the past at the events that stirred the United States and affect us still, it should also be about looking to one another in the present and asking what we can do today to advance the cause of opportunity, equality, respect and acceptance — for ALL.   

"The time is always right to do what is right."  - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


Curt Sullivan
President, TransCor America

John Diffenderfer