Our Guiding Principles During National Grief
Dear Team TransCor,
George Floyd
As the national pain and outcry from the tragic death of George Floyd is coupled with past and present acts of racial injustice, our entire nation and especially the Black Community, are feeling an overwhelming sense of unease, frustration, and sorrow. The death was an atrocity. We all stand united in horror and grief, alongside his family, his community, and our neighbors.
During these challenging times, I am reminded of TransCor's guiding principles of Integrity, Respect, Trust, and Loyalty. In line with these principles, I would encourage each of us to also embrace the values of acceptance, compassion, and empathy. In the days to come, please remember that it is important to be respectful and sensitive and to listen to both yourself and one another — both in the workplace and in our communities.
I also recognize the extra burden that is weighing on our nation during this already difficult time. Please take the time needed to process these recent events and do what you can to promote positive change. The unrest across the nation and the grief in our local communities are a reminder that we as citizens must keep doing more to create meaningful change and healing.
Notably, TransCor remains committed to creating a safe and inclusive environment for all people, cherishing both what we share in common and the diversity that makes us unique. Please keep the following in mind:
Speak up and report if you experience or witness intolerance, mistreatment, or bias.
Remain open minded and enter into conversations with positive intent whether it is to seek an understanding of how others may be feeling or impacted, especially when it may differ from your own experience.
Process your feelings with wisdom before responding.
Every one of us has a role to serve. As members of the public safety community, we must always remember that our foremost calling is to serve as agents of peace and safety — for our communities, one another, and those entrusted to our care. We owe it to each other to do our very best.
Curt Sullivan
President, TransCor America