On Memorial Day

Dear Team TransCor,

On Monday, May 31st, we pause to remember those who have died while serving in our nation’s armed services. The phrase “All Gave Some, Some Gave All” is widely attributed to Korean War veteran and Purple Heart recipient Howard Osterkemp (U.S. Army 1951-1953). To those who gave "All," their sacrifices on our behalf can never be overstated.

The highest level of service a nation may ask any citizen is duty with its Armed Forces. Regardless of how you choose to observe Memorial Day, I encourage each of you to take a moment to remember and thank those brave heroes who paid the ultimate price in service to America and our freedom. We extend a heartfelt gratitude in knowing they rest in honored glory.

As we honor Memorial Day, let us also be mindful of those among us who may have a personal connection to this holiday. Throughout our nation, there are families, friends, and military service members who will be remembering, and possibly still grieving, the loss of loved ones. May we surround them in respect, gratitude, and support — both on this day and always.

On behalf of the entire leadership team, I extend my most sincere appreciation to all who have served or are currently serving. We are truly honored to stand among them.


Curt Sullivan
President, TransCor America

John Diffenderfer