Giving Thanks

Giving Thanks

Team TransCor,

As we celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday, I want to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you. Your dedication and hard work in ensuring the safe and secure transportation of those entrusted to our care does not go unnoticed.

In corrections, we understand that the nature of our mission often requires long hours and sacrifices, particularly during the holiday season. While many of our team will be celebrating with family and friends, deepest thanks are owed to those who will remain on-mission this Thanksgiving. Their sacrifices on behalf of our team and our mission are truly commendable. Though the nature of our work may not always allow for traditional celebrations, I hope that you all find moments of joy.

This Thanksgiving, I’m especially grateful for all that our team is accomplishing. Your excellence safeguards the trust of our partners and communities and continues to attract new opportunities from new partners. You are our reputation, and our reputation is strong. Your professionalism, resilience, and sense of duty are a testament to the quality of your character and the values we share. I am grateful to serve alongside such a dedicated team. Please know that your efforts are deeply appreciated and making a difference.

On behalf of our entire leadership team, thank you for ALL you do. May your Thanksgiving be filled with the brightness of joy and the warmth of gratitude.


Curt Sullivan
President & General Manager
TransCor America

John Diffenderfer