Mandatory Masks and Other Changes for COVID-19

Dear Team TransCor,

I hope this message finds you well.

We continue to monitor the current COVID-19 health crisis very closely. Throughout these rapidly changing developments, the health and safety of our employees and those entrusted to our care remain our top priorities. Therefore, in the interest of further safety measures, this week we announced a plan for mandatory use of masks by all TransCor staff assigned to CoreCivic facilities.

In accordance with this plan, staff must wear a surgical/cloth mask when they are within the confines of the facility and/or aboard TransCor vehicles. Staff who prefer to wear their own masks shall be permitted to do so. Those who wish to be provided with a company–purchased mask will be provided with one.

A previously published memo describes the proper wear or use, exclusions and infections prevention guidelines of the masks. Please take time to review the memo. While the mandatory mask use plan remains in force, any Central Office staff visiting a CoreCivic facility must comply with the mask protocol. At this time, the use of masks for essential staff working at the Central Office remains optional.

Separately, CoreCivic has decided that the Facility Support Center (FSC) will remain closed through May 31, 2020, and will reopen on Monday, June 1, 2020, (unless otherwise updated and directed). Accordingly, TransCor's Central Office will realign our reopening date to correspond with that of the FSC. Although the Central Office is theoretically closed, we remain fully operational, and thus there are key-essential staff who continue to report to the office while the vast majority of staff are working remotely. With respect to telecommuting, I'm very encouraged by the high level of two-way communication and active participation at all levels.

Operationally, we are mindful of the measured reduction in transportation activity by the Federal and State Partners throughout our network. During a worldwide health crisis, this temporary reduction in activity is prudent and understandable. We have been advised that for the safety of all concerned, only essential transports are being directed until further notice. As such, we are balancing this known reduction by delaying the May pre-service officer academy until June, monitoring and realigning front-line resources as needed, assisting facilities with traditional facility transportation needs, and directing early recertification training where applicable.

Like you, I'm anxious about this new norm we are experiencing. It's certainly challenging all of us personally and professionally. At a time when so much has changed, I'm mindful and grateful for the privilege of working alongside you, along with good health and loving family & friends. I feel very blessed!

Please continue to stay safe and take care of yourself and each other.

We will get through this together!



Curt Sullivan
President, TransCor America

John Diffenderfer