Gratitude During National Correctional Officers and Employees Week
Dear Team TransCor,
I hope this message finds you well and that you and your loved ones are safe and healthy.
Over the past couple of months, we have been living and working through one of the most challenging times in the history of our industry. Rising to these challenges has led us to adopt new ways of working that protect the health of our employees and those entrusted to our care. It may also have sometimes brought moments of understandable uncertainty. Worries about the pandemic and its health implications, the change to our personal and professional daily routines, and the economic impact can all weigh on many of us. I recognize these concerns and want to assure each of you that your health and safety remain my primary focus every day. In addition, the leadership team continues to monitor and follow the guidance of our government officials and medical professionals.
In response to COVID-19, TransCor implemented several initiatives aimed at minimizing risk and the possible exposure to the coronavirus. We immediately limited business travel to critical needs only. We significantly decreased the human footprint at the Central Office by introducing telecommuting for non-essential personnel and delayed the pre-service officer academy until June. Likewise, we converted most in-person meetings to teleconferences or Skype calls. At the same time, we vastly increased the volume and types of PPE and safety equipment available to our frontline staff. The good work by all continues and regardless of where you are located today or how you are working during this extraordinary time, please know how extremely proud I am of you and the continued level of excellent service demonstrated by TEAM TransCor each day.
Fittingly this week, National Correctional Officers and Employees Week, is a time for us to pause and offer our heartfelt gratitude to all correctional professionals. You exemplify professionalism and strength in the face of a difficult and often dangerous work environment. Along with my sincere appreciation for each one of you, I am profoundly grateful to CoreCivic and their Federal and State Partners for entrusting TransCor with the opportunity to serve. At a time when so many companies are faced with difficult business and employment decisions, I am incredibly proud that our industry is recognized by the Department of Homeland Security as an Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce.
Looking forward, I hope to see all of you again in the very near future. As always, I remain humbled and honored to be a part your TEAM — now more than ever. Please continue to take care of yourself and each other.
Curt Sullivan
President, TransCor America
P.S. I'm really looking forward to reading your stories and seeing pictures of how you are managing during the pandemic. Please submit your stories and pictures to either Leigh Boller at or Brett Withers at by May 15, 2020.