Our Mission During These Unprecedented Times

Dear Team TransCor,

I hope that this message finds you and your loved ones well.

TransCor continues to monitor coronavirus (COVID-19) developments closely. Our primary focus continues to be on the health and safety of our staff and those entrusted to our care while we continue to provide a vital service to CoreCivic and their federal and state partners. Our Senior Leadership Team meets regularly to assess the changing developments of the health crisis.

From the very onset of the pandemic we implemented a number of applicable and timely actions when and where appropriate. As a result, we have changed how we communicate and where some of us temporarily work, adjusted our transportation resources, introduced new technology, aligned existing health and safety practices with the CDC, significantly increased our equipment supply chain, and introduced new safety protocols for PPE. We continue the dialog daily, working to identify additional ways to improve upon the effectiveness of these and other measures.

The collective work being accomplished by the Central Office staff and frontline workforce continues to be vitally important. As part of the Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce, please know that people are depending on TransCor. You can and should be justly proud of that. I'm extremely encouraged by your enthusiastic spirit and steadfast resilience, and I am confident that together we are making a positive contribution in this crisis.  

Throughout TransCor's admired history we have always been led by our Mission Statement and Guiding Principles. During this unprecedented time please join me in recommitting ourselves to both:

Our Mission:

In partnership with government, we will provide a meaningful public service by operating the highest quality prisoner transportation company in the United States.

Our Guiding Principles:

  • Integrity — Be honest and highly ethical, always doing the right thing with honorable intentions.

  • Respect — Treat each other and those entrusted to our care as we want to be treated. Appreciate the authority given to us and always use it appropriately.

  • Trust — Be competent and reliable. Build positive relationships.

  • Loyalty — Dedicate ourselves to our profession, our responsibilities, and each other.


Thank you for your continued support and confidence during these challenging times.  Like many of you, I look forward to the time when we can focus our energies on other priorities. And for those occasional check-in emails, phone calls, and text messages of positive encouragement that I receive from many of you — thank you! Each one is very meaningful to me personally and greatly appreciated. 

Please continue to stay safe and take care of yourself and each other.




Curt Sullivan
President, TransCor America

John Diffenderfer