Well-Being During Challenging Times
Dear TEAM TransCor,
I know that our roles in the Private Prisoner Transportation industry are never easy, especially in these unprecedented circumstances. Please know that everything you do contributes to help support our mission of providing safe, secure, and humane transportation to those entrusted into our care. Regardless of your role, each employee of TransCor is providing an essential service — either directly on-site or remotely. And for that I am extremely grateful to be a part of the TEAM.
As we continue to recognize that this is our new normal for the time-being, I encourage you to take care of your own physical and mental well-being. Below are some tips that I encourage you to take advantage of to provide a positive distraction from your challenging days:
If you already have a routine, consider switching it up. Something new will do more than help you physically; it will also force your mind to shift as it takes on a new routine. There are several classes available on YouTube and other social media platforms, so try something new and challenge yourself.
Be Mindful
It is very easy to let our minds wander down a path of pure negativity. Please do your best to take even a few minutes and shut off the noise that has nothing positive to share. This isn’t about ignoring reality, it’s shifting your perspective on how to manage this new reality. The more present you can be, the more effective you will be.
Feed Your Brain
Pick up a book or magazine. Even a few minutes of reading a day gives your mind a well-deserved rest.
Support Local Business
We all have a favorite restaurant or businesses that is really hurting. Many are serving take-out meal options and raising money to provide gift cards to their staff. Please support them as much as you can.
Be Realistic
I realize that the world is a scary place right now. The pandemic is on everyone’s mind. When people are able to acknowledge and feel that we are indeed in this together, and that we all have varying worries and concerns, they’re best able to re-focus and tackle the task at hand which is being present for our families, friends and for each other.
Be Grateful
Reflect on what you have in your life. We live in the greatest country in the world and our collective resolve as humans is unmeasurable. We will get through this together.
I hope that each of you know that you are valued for the important role you provide. Thank you for your continued commitment to excellence and to each other.
Have a great week and please be safe!
Curt Sullivan
President, TransCor America