2022: A Record Setting Year


Team TransCor,

As 2022 draws to a close, I want to take the opportunity to look back on a year that offered us both challenges and opportunities. While it was certainly challenging in many ways, it also showed our strength and resilience as a company — even in the toughest of times. I can assure you that the number of competing service commitments and ever-changing priorities, coupled with notable staff vacancies, has not been overlooked. 

Nevertheless, the consistent quality of service we provide, regardless of the obstacles, continues to define us. Rightfully so! As an organization, I'm extremely proud of our sustained ability to be responsive and flexible to those we serve, especially during a year with a nationwide war for talent and multiple economic and industry stressors.

Worthy of highlighting, during 2022, TransCor set all-time company records in each of the following categories:

  • 2.5M+ miles recorded (20% increase from previous year)

  • 140K+ passengers transported

  • 9K+ ground movements

  • 700+ JPATS movements

We accomplished this all while continuing to provide service excellence in support of CoreCivic, our shared Partners and those entrusted to our care. Thank you so much for the hard work and commitment you’ve shown over the past year. I hope that when you’re celebrating the holidays with friends and family that you look back on the year with a strong sense of pride and accomplishment. You've defiantly earned it!

I wish you and your families a happy and safe holiday season.

Best regards,

Curt Sullivan
President, TransCor America

John Diffenderfer